Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gallbladder Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms How Can I Find Out If I Have PKD(polycystic Kidney Disease) Without The Expensive Genetic Testing?

How can I find out if I have PKD(polycystic kidney disease) without the expensive genetic testing? - gallbladder diagnosis more condition_symptoms

For 11 years I had a cyst in the right kidney leads to expansion and a liver-filled cyst that once during my liver cyst removal of the gallbladder a few years ago.The emptied and was causing my pain, severe kidney cysts daily. Over the years I had the scan, MRI and ultrasound to check how big (my kidney grown.2 of 3 doctors including a nephrologist Kidney Foundation) suggests that the ERP said, and we now need to genetic testing undergo in order to verify this. I have no health insurance and a household.Due pain in my diary, I am very grateful for the activities that I have limited my two children.We so stressed that we can not get a response from these experts, "and can not afford to more tests or ER behavior visits.I feeling when I make a diagnosis alone.How if I can not get charged for the test? "I was in the" fee "scale clinical (they say that my husband earns too much money but she did not know it) with the payment of invoices.


TweetyBi... said...

There is currently no cure for PKD, not with conventional medicine (despite what she said), alternative medicine.

Ultrasound (sonography) is typically used to diagnose this, especially when the cysts are active. Genetic tests confirmed the diagnosis. CT and MRI can be used, but not ususally necessary. Images that are extra may have been superfluous and unnecessary. For the moment, put his hand on all his films, reports and laboratories - is necessary. The main concern now is to avoid or control pain, hypertension and urinary tract infections and to find relief.

You can think of the Kidney Foundation and see what they offer. Please call an 800 number and check your website. You can run programs for someone in his situation have programs that gives you immediate help.

My hope is that you avoid ESRD disease (ESRD), renal failure and transplantation.

Not sure if you qualify for a disability or additional security from the revenue to Social Security Administration, but it issomething to investigate. You will need medical information suggested that the acquisition and the doctor written statements about the probable diagnosis can be obtained. When I further help to you, you may find a scholarship, I will contact you when I can.

God bless you and your family. You are in a very frustrating, but I'm sure there are others who tries to help. You are not alone!

John w said...

If you live in Oregon and Washington now restore medical providence. I had a bad problem with my kidney when I was in college, I was broke.
The Hosp not charge me anything they (a charity and the restoration of these things have to cancel.
Another doctor is concerned, but also ... 're not a charity. So, like clockwork, that ten dollars per month. Do not miss any payments, or else I would want it all.
So, I check the selection of the type of Providence) (restoration of mercy and if it is really full of pain, take it off. I did.
Good luck!

Jim C said...

You need to check in churches and civic organizations that sponsor clinical "free" in the hours of the night in many cities. The genetic test is another "diagnostic" procedure, and offers no relief of polycystic kidney disease. You may be pleasantly surprised that there are many "alternative" and procedures or relief of symptoms, or perhaps even cure the disease without much effort!

hanginhi... said...

I have for you, this disease is genetically determined, like all the women in my family has. My mother must have had a kidney transplant, do not mean to go to the priest and God, God bless you and your family

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