Thursday, January 28, 2010

Used Pilings Engineering Issue--Can This Work For Roads Of The Future?

Engineering Issue--Can This Work for Roads of the Future? - used pilings

I have an idea. Instead of preserving the building of roads that the soil must be cleaned, prepared, level, and so we can build "road deck, water and wilderness, their habitats, which are not washed away by the floods to enable, etc. Basically, this is a bridge over dry long.

Question: Is there any other kind of support, a bridge instead of batteries? It could be on the bridge, stayed on, say, "blocks" of concrete blocks unresolved or sink into the earth / mud and mess deck.

Or any other alternative.

When using the batteries, the depth of what they go into the rule? Is there an alternative for the network drivers are not so deep, for example?

This would allow us to remote areas for the development of open - without too much space, etc.

Thank you for your ingenuity!


Brian L said...

The problem with the roads, that's what you, this method is that they are much more expensive than the height of the roadway. Moreover, the maintenance of a much bigger problem in the second, because the failure to obtain the results of the soil in the need for bumps and detours. Access roads are in poor condition are prone to collapse.

There are many roads around New Orleans, but for all the reasons you suggested. A few were removed during Hurricane Katrina swept, but most stayed until the OK button. They have many advantages, but the refusal to pay bills associated with them, is not a viable alternative.

In addition, the block is what? It will not work because the road is the cause of oscillations in the blocks to move the integrity, regardless of the danger. The drivers are better, and they usually fall several dozen meters.

U-98 said...

Nothing new under the sun. Every problem can be solved if you throw enough time and money. ...

U-98 said...

Nothing new under the sun. Every problem can be solved if you throw enough time and money. ...

Stan the Rocker said...

A viaduct is a possible alternative for an environmentally sensitive area. The depth of the battery is no problem. However, it is necessary to consider the costs. It may be cheaper to provide protection. Let us stop to consider their necessity, even the visual effects. It is all-in-one solution.

DT3238 said...

Overpasses, as these roads are known to be used in all directions, and frequent access to wilderness. They are much more expensive than normal roads.

DT3238 said...

Overpasses, as these roads are known to be used in all directions, and frequent access to wilderness. They are much more expensive than normal roads.

Ivan said...

The idea is not bad for a start, but problems can be predicted.

You did not bring much to the field of batteries, then dig them reinforced with steel. Depth depends on the charge of the call. The poles or be likely also to be swept away by the floods.

as it should be reinforced materials such as concrete and steel to increase prices. Strengthening the roads would be a strong demand.

You do not have to leave at regular intervals for remote access.

Matt said...

one of the main problems is the cost factor. It's a good idea, but the additional costs arising from additional research and monitoring of land would be enormous.

There is no typical depth of a battery depends on how one layer on the bottom right corner of the load to carry. The concrete blocks used in the temporary work to support the crane would not, however, for a continuous period since the time of work because, unfortunately, would be the solution, because exposure to occur, and the time factor can be calculated with the Terzaghi model.

The planning process involved in a road very carefully and take into account everything that will be affected. This is a problem to try to agree, but so far there is not a very good alternative

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