Sunday, January 31, 2010

Silk Taffeta Curtains How Thick Is Burgundy Silk Taffeta Curtain Fabric?

How thick is Burgundy silk taffeta curtain fabric? - silk taffeta curtains

Is it very thin curtain I


Maryn said...

The type of silk taffeta or otherwise, is difficult. It is often used because it allows formalware skirts stand out, without rings, skirts, etc. I suspect that will be enough curtain taffeta curtain.

Do you have a specific tissue at a link? Perhaps the list of weight per meter or something that will give us an indication of its thickness.

Edit: Here is a description and a picture of Taft: ...

However, in the image search, I found several places selling curtain taffeta, so I may be thin enough for the curtain fabric, right?

Red Hat Momma said...

While silk is very thin, but you can support your curtain line with another layer, in the same or contrasting color.
Another possibility is to put your head curtains. Sure hope this helps!

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