Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chancre Sore Remedy What Home Remidies Help Mouth Sores Like Chancre Sores?

What home remidies help mouth sores like chancre sores? - chancre sore remedy

Nothing is now open. I have to cook for me, things like baking soda or something.

I have two big and they hurt like ab **** is precisely the area of the mouth to mouth, and the other in the lower left side of the language. Good ideas?


Locke said...

DOES NOT WORK alum salt water ... .. Wash It's like a spice or can buy at almost any grocery store (white powder) DAB only a little, and you hands thoroughly with ur cuz u will get it in the eyes of the early and keep that mouth open available from UR to dry and leave in a few days (unless they are very bad after a week or so what?)

vamedicc... said...

Whirlpool warm salt water into his mouth to heal.

bettyboo... said...

Bummer. I suggest baking powder.

ditzy said...

Half a cup of hot water and 2 teaspoons salt, rinse, and spit.

sugaree said...

Swish warm salt water into his mouth several times a day is what I always heard veterans.

Little Miss confused said...

Gargling with warm salt water

serenity seeker said...

Gargling with warm salt water

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