Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Allergy Symptoms Could A Potential Milk Allergy Cause Symptoms Like Upper Respiratory Infections?

Could a potential milk allergy cause symptoms like upper respiratory infections? - baby allergy symptoms

Or they're just vomiting and rashes on the only thing?

Can a child respiratory infections and allergic reactions to milk protein?

Please, if you do not know, do not do this, to know or give me a stupid answer, or tell me to the doctor because I already know how to name, but it's the weekend, so I have to wait.

Thanks in advance!


ShellyLy... said...

Frankly, I do not think so. Allergies to milk are usually gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea and think back to breathe) to. Vomiting and other symptoms of milk allergy can cause breathing problems (eg, aspiration), but I think they presented sigh IN first.

I would say that the symptoms of milk that cause allergic respiratory problems may also be other symptoms of the other.

Sharon W said...

The answer is yes.
If your baby tolerates the formula or breast milk, and vomiting (reflux only) ... that can suck the milk into the lungs.
Make sure the baby while feeding burp so often that the food and the struggle for air, the room in the stomach. Air wins, and is usually empty stomach by vomiting.
What happened ... not hold the baby food in the stomach, the backflow of the material caused by the esophagus. If this material remains in the mouth and throat and the baby takes a deep breath .... Materials, you can click on the lung.
If the baby is unable to tolerate food, you should try to keep the baby on the side, sitting .... or higher in his bed. Also turned his head on his arm while his face is based on good technique, even if it takes a little practice to do well.
If the baby vomits () throws ... Make sure that drain the baby to breathe on her side completely out of the mouth in the lung.
GoodTrick to this, a pillow under the crib mattress place to create a small hill, so that the baby was lying in his bed. Then, wrap the baby to sleep on their side. Raising the head of the bed with pillows under the mattress is a good technique that nurses use all the time for children to reduce under severe gastrointestinal reflux, the risk of aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs. Never place a pillow "in" bed with your baby suffocated because they could cause.
To find out if your child is a good test is included, has his ear to his chest, listening to the baby and make jams. When you hear the jams, I would have hoped. Take the temperature of infants and documented. When sucking the child, she could see a pnemonia. This does not always happen, but possible. If you think the baby is in immediate danger, they take in the emergency room as quickly as possible. If the baby nails or lips or skin began to turn to blue, which means that not enough oxygen. What is an emergency and should be tackled now. At this pointI would immediately call an ambulance.

With the launch of a baby book ....
begin case history of a baby. Simply put, medical information about the medical history.
Keep your children ....
Pregnancy information (what happened while she was pregnant)
Bowl movements and urination
Food trends (such as the child)
Take the baby's temperature every day, so you know what is normal and not normal
the monitoring of the child is doing drugs
Records of vaccinations
Records of visits and the review of the child
A register of hospitalizations
Visits to the dentist

They have a separate section for each of these topics in a separate file with tabs for easy reference. Be very diligent in the possession of these documents. Take with you to doctor appointments and hospital stays. You do not want to guess as to when it is your stress and your child sick. I hope your baby is still healthy, but I get a little sick from time to time, and it is a good way to stay on the ISSUES.

The shares of First-aid kit with items such as baby ...
a thermometer ... (I recommend a drumhead, ear thermometer is fast, the least "invasive" way to take the temperature of a baby)
Stethoscope to listen at low prices to see the baby's lungs when they are fully
Nasal aspirator
Baby Tylenol
Ibuprofen baby
Baby Benadryl Allergy and cons symptoms of cold

a syringe (without needle) to the precise dosage of drugs
(be very careful in the use of medicines in children, the maintenance dose should be correct .. your doctor about this before the baby gets sick. give us the exact dose depending on weight babies. You ask, how to treat fever , cramps, symptoms of colds, slow bowel movements .... and any other questions of your child.)

tlsmom said...

My child is allergic to milk. Your allergy is the protein (casein) compared to sugar (lactose) that most have. Symptoms include excessive mucus lead, constantly runny nose, loose stools, excessive mucus, etc. can also be applied to other diseases such as URI or pneumonia. I discovered his allergy after taking him to another pediatric practice, a 2nd Opinion. That was after he had seen every doctor in his practice, and put in antibiotic antibiotics w / o all testing / searching for an allergy. NO can affect Get Council 2nd Sorry for the caps, but I feel very excited about this apparent lack of pediatric practice after my first child.

Good luck!

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