Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sample Letter To Verify Community Service Hours What Is The Correct Comma Usage For Using A Name In The Middle Of A Sentence?

What is the correct comma usage for using a name in the middle of a sentence? - sample letter to verify community service hours

I have a sample letter that you receive messages that require a computer program and a little help. This is an example sentence. Please contact the Director, Bob Smith, for further instructions. I think it is worth carrying a comma before and after the name in this situation. Can anyone verify? So what is the deadline for the grammar, "Bob Smith"? Is there a facility?


Adam Smitten said...

To receive further instructions Director Bob Smith.

renee960... said...

Use the comma as he paused in the sentence. Let's suggestion that the work would be the revision of the sentence, or how you wrote it right. The comma goes in both directions, as he explains the director.

ETA: I think that's what I said, Jackie ....

Jackie said...

Do not listen to these guys. You're right! When you add someone's name, you need the comma before and after

mya_sale... said...

Shortly after

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